The two works displayed in this room are created by men, men who have created visual keys to their own sexual appetite and domination over women. The paintings are inherently sexual and treat women as objects, trophies to be displayed or looked upon for male pleasure. When read with this in mind, the viewer is a witness to their easily seen sexism, and it is almost impossible not to be uncomfortable. This is an unintentional discomfort, as their paintings were not designed to be seen in this light. Rather, they were designed to be appreciated by men for their conquests.
Not all works by men are exploitive in their use of discomfort, or are sexist in their tone, of course. However, these are also not two isolated works that seek to fulfill a specific goal of mine to expose all male artists as sexist, they are representational of a larger whole of nude painting and sexual painting by men. Especially in 20th century vanguard artists, as Carol Duncan points out, male artists painted nudes to show themselves in a position of asserted virility. Her writing can be seen below.